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Burrick NV is a third generation metalconstruction company.


Back in 1946 the company was founded as a one-man business by Jozef Burrick. In those days Burrick mainly took care of technical maintenance in the flowersector.


In 1986 the company became a PLC, managed by the brothers Rogiers and Ms. Neyt. A new chapter was started in the history of the company.


At this present day Burrick NV consists of more than 20 employees with various tasks and talents.


Since the start of 2015 Burrick NV has tightened its colaboration with Van Damme bvba. Now more than ever both campanies can rely on each other in the design and production of machineparts. This partnership expands our productionrange resulting in shorter delivery times.


Our clients are found both in Belgium and abroad, the greater part is situated in the Automotive Industries. Burrick NV has years of experience servicing this unique sector with it's high demands and tight deadlines.


Maatschappelijke zetel


Burrick NV

Smalle Heerweg 88

B-9080 Lochristi

België (België)


+32 (0)9 326 77 60

afdeling CNC draai- en freeswerk


Burrick Lokeren

Spieveldstraat 18

B-9160 Lokeren

België (België)


+32 (0)9 348 54 77

BTW BE 0428.206.993                     

IBAN BE71 7360 1749 9369    BIC KREDBEBB

IBAN BE10 2900 1583 8404  BIC GEBABEBB

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